Tuesday, February 16, 2010

McWendy's King Challenge!

After seeing Burger Kings ad's bragging about how they have the superior burger, I decided to challenge the idea. Not to say I don't love my BK, just that hey, I'm bored and hungry. So I packed up, ran out to my friend's house and started the planning process.

First, the rules:

1 - All the burgers have to be bought within 5 minutes of each other.
2 - All that can be ordered is a "double cheese burger", as that's what's advertised in the commercial. Also the burger must be ordered from the dollar menu.
3 - There has to be at least one drink. Fries are suggested but not required. This is the one "cheat" that's allowed, but it has to be ordered separate, no value meals.
4 - Just to keep it consistent, try to order from either all franchise or all corporate stores.
5 - Eat in chronological order. The first order is eaten first, the last order is eaten last. In between burgers, take a break, take a drink, eat some fries and then start the next burger.

The rules being down, we then set into our mission. We came up with a grading system of zero to three based on three things: Taste, texture and consistency, cost, and size. Zero is the worst, three is the best, and anything in between, well, I'm pretty sure every one is smart enough to figure out the rest. So, with no further ado, I present to you, The McWendy's King Challenge!

McDonalds -

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box
Taste Texture and Consistency: Jax: 1.4 Me: 1.5
Good, not great, but good. The cheese tended to get lost every so often and the dehydrated onions really didn't add or subtract from the burger. Still a little bit of an "off" taste to the burger. We both agreed that the pickles and other condiments were all put in one spot, and in one bite you could pretty much take out all the pickles.

Size: Jax - 2 Me - 2
For $1.19, not too shabby. Good meat to bun ratio.

Price - Well, here's the silly part, they charge you an extra $0.19 for a slice of cheese. McDonald's is the priciest of the three.

Over all: 1.75

Burger King -

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box
Taste Texture and Consistency: Jax: 1.9 Me: 2
"It tastes like a burger" was the phrase we both uttered after a few bites. The burger is juicy, and has a nice smoky grill flavor to it. Sesame seed bun, well, it's a bun and it doesn't add or subtract anything aside from looks. No onions, which Jax was fairly upset about, but remembering McDonald's I didn't think it was a major issue. Whatever the burger was missing onion wise it made up for in cheese, and cheese was GOOD. Condiments were spread a bit better, but the pickles were still located in about one bite.

Size: Jax: 2.3 Me: 2.5
Great for a dollar, nearly perfect bun to meat ratio. Heavier than McDonald's and the burger patties were definitely bigger than McDonald's as well.

Price - Two pieces of cheese and still only $0.99

Over all: 2.2

Wendy's -

From Drop Box

From Drop Box

From Drop Box
Taste Texture and Consistency: Jax: 0.5 Me: 0.5
The burger was, well, disgusting. The onion that Jax wanted was there, but it was slimy and completely distracted from the burger because it threw off the taste so badly. Cheese was there, but not very outstanding as far as taste is concerned. Finally, the "Fresh, never frozen" patty, well, it tasted like something, but it wasn't fresh. To drive home how bad this burger tasted, we didn't finish it, we gave up after a couple of bites.

Size: Jax: 1.0 Me: 1.0
When you first get the burger, it feels heavy. Then you unwrap the burger. The patties couldn't be the heavy part, they're thinner than McDonald's, and that only leaves the bun, which is way too big for the burger. To put it shortly, the burger is all bread, no meat and a slimy onion.

Cost: $0.99, still less than McDonald's but I'd pay not to eat at Wendy's again.

Over all: I think Jax put it better than any score can: "Just put 'Fail' next to Wendy's"

And thus ends the McWendy's King Challenge! Burger King did come in first, and it was actually bigger and, well at least in our opinion, did taste a little better. So bravo Burger King, you didn't fail your ad!

On a separate note:
Dear Wendy's, please follow Domino's example and start over, you fail.

1 comment:

  1. for the cheap burgers, i agree for sure, but i personally like sonic! you should have added sonic in that lol! but i do agree burger king is better taste. now do a mcwendys king hardnic queen challenge lol
